5 ways to mitigate email fatigue in your recipients

5 ways to mitigate email fatigue in your recipients

5 ways to mitigate email fatigue in your recipients

As marketers, we know how tough it can be to capture the audience’s attention. Inboxes are overflowing with emails, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out. The average email attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to just 8 seconds in the last two decades. Marketers only have a 9 seconds to engage the reader before they bounce.

There are a few reasons why email attention spans are shortening.  Consumption of short-form videos shortening attention spans in general, inbox overload leaving emails unopened and email design that’s not engagement worthy. : With these three fatigue reasons in mind, we have 5 tips to combat them:




Compose and design specifically for your recipient audience. Use names in the subject line or body of the email, and segment your email list so that you can send targeted messages. Add graphics to make your text easy to scan through and give the design a modern look and feel.

High-quality content

High-quality content

Avoid heavy-handed sales pitches. Position your message from the perspective of an industry expert educating their audience. Share blog posts, case studies, white papers, or how-to guides.

High-quality content

“The key to fighting email fatigue is to make sure that your emails are not only visually appealing, but that they also offer real value to the recipient.”

– Chad White, Head of Research at Oracle CX Marketing Consulting

Invest in creative email design

Invest in creative email design

Invest in creative email design

You only have 8-9 seconds to attract and keep an email recipient’s attention. Social media has changed the standards in creating content. Consider email as the entry point to your website and your portfolio of content. Create designs using what’s trending on social and keep the email content easy to glance through. A well-designed email can grab attention and encourage engagement.

Engaging Call To Actions

Engaging Call To Actions

Stand-out emails are the most engaging. Be creative with the messaging and call to actions. Highly converting content includes quizzes, surveys, and polls. The data you get is high value because it provides you with responses that can be used for personalized messaging throughout your campaigns.

Engaging Call To Actions
Deployment schedule

Deployment schedule

Deployment schedule

Timing is everything. In running ad campaigns, advertisers use dayparting to hone in on what times of the day yield better conversions. Test sending emails on days during the week and also times of the day. Leverage analytics to hone in on engagement patterns.

The key to mitigating email fatigue is to make sure that your emails offer real value to your recipients. By following the above tips, you can engage your audience and keep them interested.

If you need help fighting email fatigue in your recipients, connect with us using the form below. Happy emailing!

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