6 Trends in Content Marketing That Will Make it More Effective in 2023

Content Marketing: 6 Trends in Content Marketing That Will Make it More Effective in 2023

Content marketing has come a long way since its early days, when it was a simple way to promote products and services. Over the years, it has become an essential part of any marketing strategy, with more and more businesses investing in content marketing to reach their target audiences. But what does the future of content marketing hold? With the rapid pace of innovation and technology, it can be difficult to predict what will be the most effective strategies for content marketing in 2023. Fortunately, there are some key trends that will help marketers prepare for what’s coming. From artificial intelligence to personalized content, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve to ensure your content marketing efforts are successful in the years to come.

The importance of content marketing

As digital marketing continues to grow and evolve, marketers are adapting their strategies to include content marketing and are seeing the benefits. In fact, research from the Content Marketing Institute shows that 81% of B2B marketers are increasing their content marketing budgets, and for good reason. When done correctly, content marketing can help you increase traffic, generate leads, and expand your customer base, all of which are important for increasing sales. In fact, a study from the Harvard Business Review found that the companies that invested in marketing experienced a 39% higher earnings per share. This is one of the many reasons why content marketing is such an essential piece of the marketing puzzle. Additionally, content marketing is relatively inexpensive, which makes it an attractive investment for businesses of all sizes. While the upfront costs may be significant, the potential return on investment can be high.

1. Artificial intelligence and content marketing

Artificial intelligence and content marketing

With artificial intelligence (AI) making significant advancements in the last few years, it’s likely that we will see AI integrated into content marketing plans in the near future. AI is a broad topic that can be applied to many industries and aspects of daily life. In the content marketing sphere, it can be used to create customized and personalized content for customers, ensuring that each person receives the best message and experience. For example, imagine that you run a blog that publishes articles related to running. When someone visits your blog, AI can collect data about them, including things like how long they stay on your site and what they click on. This data can then be used to create an individualized blog post, one that is perfectly suited to the interests of each visitor.

Artificial intelligence and content marketing

2. Personalized content and content marketing

Personalized content and content marketing

Personalized content is a form of artificial intelligence, which means that it can create content that is tailored to each customer based on their individual preferences. This technology can be applied to many marketing channels and is likely to be a part of the future of content marketing. On social media, for example, personalized content can be used to create posts that are based on a user’s profile information, interests and connections. In email marketing, it can be used to send personalized emails to your subscribers, ensuring that each person receives the best message and experience.

Personalized content and content marketing

3. Video content and content marketing

Video content and content marketing

Video is one of the most effective ways to connect with customers and inspire action, which is one reason why it’s likely to play a significant role in the future of content marketing. In fact, research shows that people who watch videos about a product are 67% more likely to purchase it. As the video marketing trend continues to grow, we can expect video content to become an even more integral part of the future of content marketing.

Video content and content marketing

4. Automation and content marketing

Automation and content marketing

As AI continues to grow and become more powerful, automation will become even more important in the future of content marketing. It is possible that businesses will be able to create one piece of content, and through automation, distribute it across multiple channels. This can be helpful for marketers who may be short on time, but want to ensure that their content reaches as many people as possible.

Automation and content marketing

5. Social media and content marketing

Social media and content marketing

Social media is an essential part of any marketing strategy these days, and one that is likely to continue to grow in the future of content marketing. Social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, allow businesses to create original content and distribute it to a large audience, which can be hugely beneficial to brand awareness and engagement. In fact, marketers who use social media as part of their strategy are likely to see better results, with 70% of B2B marketers reporting an increase in leads from social media.

Social media and content marketing

6. Influencer marketing and content marketing

Influencer marketing and content marketing

Marketers have found that partnering with influencers can be a great way to promote their brands, services, and products. Influencer marketing is likely to be an even more integral part of the future of content marketing, especially given that most marketers are seeing positive ROI from the strategy. While the methods used in content marketing may change in the future, the importance of content itself will not. This means that marketers should focus on creating engaging and valuable content that resonates with their target audience and inspires them to take action.

Influencer marketing and content marketing

As technology continues to evolve, so will the strategies used in content marketing. While it’s impossible to predict exactly how these trends will evolve over time, marketers can prepare for what’s coming by staying up to date on industry news and trends. By integrating artificial intelligence, creating personalized content, and investing in video content, marketers can ensure that their content is relevant and engaging to their target audiences.

About the author

Noelle Martin

Noelle Martin

CoFounder, Marketing Curators

UC Berkeley | 15 years B2B marketing experience | expertise: demand gen, digital & online, content, design.


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